Contoh Poster Covid-19 Design Ke The outbreak was horrific start speck, with 23 deaths in Guinea, by a “mysterious hemorrhagic fever”, starting on 19/3 this year. At that time, the government did not know that they will face the biggest outbreak of Ebola since the deadly virus was discovered in 1976. The outbreak started with a small spot from 19/3 in Guinea, people still thought it was due to a mysterious disease dengue fever. After a few days, the outbreak has spread to the capital of the country, with nearly 50 people dead. Last April, Ebola has invaded Liberia, Sierra Leone and threats. On April first, there were 70 deaths in Guinea. By July, all three countries are in hundreds of deaths, of which half is in Guinea. The last day of July, more Nigerian presence in the list of countries suffering from Ebola, with one death. On 7/8, the number of deaths in 4 countries a total of 887 .. By day 7/8, Ebola has appeared in four countries, in which most deaths in Guine...